Admission requirements and the Teacher Education application are furnished to students in TE 100 and TE 831P. Undergraduate students who transfer in TE 100 will receive an email from the Office of Educator Certification. Students are urged to work closely with their advisors in order to qualify for admission in a timely manner. Most students should plan on being admitted by the middle of their sophomore year. Transitional Certification Students should be admitted while enrolled in TE 831P or TE 832.
"Persons who have felony convictions, or misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct, as defined in Section 005.07A, are automatically rejected by the Department [of Education, Nebraska] for certification, and may only be considered for certification, or participation in pre-student teaching field, laboratory, and classroom experiences or student teaching with the approval of the Commissioner or the Board" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 20). Additionally, "All applicants shall not have an emotional or mental incapacity to practice the profession as evidenced by a legal adjudication or determination thereof by other lawful means" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21).
Individuals applying for a Nebraska certificate or permit apply through
Nebraska TEACH. Information on applying for certification is provided to students during their final student teaching semester.
The Nebraska Department of Education does not allow students with felonies and certain misdemeanors to participate in field experiences, including student teaching. Additionally, certificate and permit applications from individuals with felonies and certain misdemeanors will not be approved. "Persons who have felony convictions, or misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct, as defined in Section 005.07A, are automatically rejected by the Department [of Education, Nebraska] for certification, and may only be considered for certification, or participation in pre-student teaching field, laboratory, and classroom experiences or student teaching with the approval of the Commissioner or the Board" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 20). Additionally, "All applicants shall not have an emotional or mental incapacity to practice the profession as evidenced by a legal adjudication or determination thereof by other lawful means" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21). Contact the bet36365体育 certification officer if you believe this might apply to you.
Visit Nebraska Department of Education’s Certificate Renewals for information on renewal requirements.
If you need credit hours to renew your teaching certificate, the Teacher Education Renewal Course Options provides a slate of online courses available through bet36365体育.
Visit bet36365体育 Online for course schedules, admissions, tuition information, and much more.
The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests are no longer required by the Nebraska Department of Education for educator certification. The Nebraska Department of Education continues to require the Praxis content tests for certification.
Helpful links:
Nebraska Praxis content tests; includes test codes/numbers and minimum scores
Nebraska Educator Preparation Testing Requirements
Individuals who hold a baccalaureate degree may enter a post-baccalaureate program in order to qualify for initial teacher certification.
"Persons who have felony convictions, or misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct, as defined in Section 005.07A, are automatically rejected by the Department [of Education, Nebraska] for certification, and may only be considered for certification, or participation in pre-student teaching field, laboratory, and classroom experiences or student teaching with the approval of the Commissioner or the Board" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 20). Additionally, "All applicants shall not have an emotional or mental incapacity to practice the profession as evidenced by a legal adjudication or determination thereof by other lawful means" (Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21).
Individuals seeking an additional endorsement should establish a program through the Educator Certification Office. Call 308-865-8264 or send an email to
Policies and Procedures Relating to Advanced Program Field Experiences
Transfer students will meet with a representative from the Educator Certification Office on Transfer Day. Students transferring in TE 100 should go to the Educator Certification Office to complete an application to the Teacher Education Program.
Practicum experiences are arranged with the Director of Field Experiences. View more information on renewal and additional endorsement practicums.
Planning to be a teacher? You may qualify for an Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program (AETP) forgivable loan! The Nebraska Department of Education is offering 27 awards of $3,000 each to bet36365体育 students seeking initial teacher certification.
The application period for 2024 has closed. Please check back again in 2025.
The application period for 2024 has closed. Please check back again in 2025.
The application period for 2024 has closed. Please check back again in 2025.

Jenny Jansky
Certification Officer and Director of Educator Certification

Jill Clevenger
Director of Field Experiences

Jeanne Rash
Office Associate

Tessa Callahan
Office Associate
Educator Certification Office
COE Bldg. Room C128 | 1615 W. 24th Street | Kearney, NE 68849
Phone: 308-865-8264