Refund Schedule for full semester dropped class, all instruction modes:
Deadline to drop is by 10 PM on Friday of each week
First week of the semester = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Second week of the semester = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Third week of the semester = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Fourth week of the semester = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
After the fourth Friday of the semester = No Refund
Summer, Mini, or 3-week class tuition refunds are based on the class length and the date that the completed drop is processed in MyBLUE. Class length is based on the start and end date (calendar days include weekends & holidays) of the class as advertised in the official bet36365体育 Course Schedule. It is NOT based on class meeting times. (See Academic Policy: Dropping a class)
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1-2 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3-7 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 8-12 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 13-17 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 18 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1-2 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3-6 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 7-10 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 11-14 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 15 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1-2 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3-5 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 6-9 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 10-13 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 14 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2-5 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 6-8 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 9-11 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 12 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2-4 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 5-7 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 8-10 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 11 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2-3 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 4-6 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 7-8 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 9 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2-3 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 4-5 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 6 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 7 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Must drop prior to Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 1-2 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3-4 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 5 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 6 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Must drop prior to Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 1 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2 = 50% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 4 and After = NO REFUND
If dropped on Calendar Day by 10 p.m. CST
Must drop prior to Day 1 = 100% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 1 = 75% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 2 = 25% Tuition/Fee Refund
Day 3 and After = NO REFUND
For classes that do not conform to the parameters listed above, please contact the Student Accounts Office, Warner Hall at (308) 865-8524 or email bet36365体育
Disclaimer: The University reserves the right to revise or change rules, charges, fees, schedules, courses, requirements for degrees, and other regulations affecting students including, but not limited to, evaluations standards, whenever considered necessary or desirable. The University reserves the right to cancel any course for insufficient registration and to phase out any program. Registration by a student signifies an agreement to comply with all regulations of the University.
Note: Fees are refundable at the same rate as tuition. Some exceptions may apply.
Refunds from financial aid will be available 7-10 business days after the refund appears on your account. Sign up for Direct Deposit on MyBLUE to have refunds from Financial Aid or schedule changes sent directly to your bank account.
View your student account on MyBLUE to see if you will receive a refund. Please contact Student Accounts at (308) 865-8524 if you have additional questions regarding refunds.
University of Nebraska Kearney Appeal Procedure-Drop Policy, Change of Schedule (Drop/Add).